From your grandmother's favorite living room chair to the runways of fashion week, botanical prints make a bold statement. Now you can bring the flora and fauna to your fingernails with this easy-to-create design. This look incorporates so many colors, it will match any outfit you wear and serve as a conversation starter wherever you go.
Consider the following video and step-by-step instructions as a rough guide. We encourage you to get creative with this and make a unique garden that is all your own.
- Sofiglaze in "Deep Black"
- Akzentz gel lamp (not pictured)
- Tweezers
- Flower stickers by ColorF
- 3d Attacker art-01 brush
- Angel gel paint in these colors: "Feeling Fierce" (red), "Never Evergreen" (green), "Warmest Wishes" (yellow) and "Kiss This" (burgundy)
- Light Elegance white gel paint in "Primary White"
- Kupa non-wipe top gel
- 1.2mm gold star charms (gold butterfly or bumblebee charms also work)
- Sofiglaze in "Deep Black"
- Akzentz gel lamp (not pictured)
- Tweezers
- Flower stickers by ColorF
- 3d Attacker art-01 brush
- Angel gel paint in these colors: "Feeling Fierce" (red), "Never Evergreen" (green), "Warmest Wishes" (yellow) and "Kiss This" (burgundy)
- Light Elegance white gel paint in "Primary White"
- Kupa non-wipe top gel
- 1.2mm gold star charms (gold butterfly or bumblebee charms also work)

Fierce League
1. Paint your nails with black gel polish, and cure them under the gel lamp.
1. Paint your nails with black gel polish, and cure them under the gel lamp.
2. Apply two or three flower stickers on your nail. Place them at random to create an organic effect.
3. To add a snake to your garden, paint a continuous curved line winding through the flowers with red gel paint and a fine point detail brush.
4. Paint another burgundy line going head to tail through the center of the snake to add dimension.
5. Cure the painted design under the gel lamp.
6. Paint stripes across the snake using white and black gel polish and the detail brush. Add a small eye and forked tongue to the snake's head with the detail brush and white gel polish.
7. Cure under the gel lamp.
8. To add greenery, apply green gel polish with a detail brush in thin lines winding through the flowers and snakes. Paint several small, thin leaves jutting out from the vine. Take your time. It's fine if designs overlap.
9. Give your leaves some dimension by adding a thin line of yellow gel paint to each one.
10. Cure the painted design under the lamp.
11. Apply gel top coat.
12. Using tweezers, add several gold stars, and place as desired.
13. Cure your nails again under the gel lamp.