Feared by some and loved by many, snakes have long been a fierce fashion statement. We have seen snakeskin bags, shoes and clothes, but snakes on nails is uncharted territory. Be among the first to bring this new statement to your nails with a unique floral snake design.
The effect is easy to achieve and totally customizable. You can make a snake long enough to slither across all 10 fingers if you're feeling extra. Don't worry — this one does not bite!
- Presto pink speckle gel in SC-257
- Akzentz LED gel lamp
- Opaque floral water decal (Daily Charme decals)
- Pen
- Small, sharp scissors
- Small bowl filled with water
- Tweezers
- Kupa no-wipe top gel
- Akzentz white drawing gel in "white"
- Long liner brush (Nail Partner x Mananails)
- Two small rhinestones
- Presto pink speckle gel in SC-257
- Akzentz LED gel lamp
- Opaque floral water decal (Daily Charme decals)
- Pen
- Small, sharp scissors
- Small bowl filled with water
- Tweezers
- Kupa no-wipe top gel
- Akzentz white drawing gel in "white"
- Long liner brush (Nail Partner x Mananails)
- Two small rhinestones

Fierce League
1. Paint your nails with gel polish in a shade of rose pink, and cure them under an LED lamp.
2. Draw a snake long enough to cover at least two nails on the back of floral decal paper.
3. Carefully cut out the snake design with scissors.
4. Cut the snake into two or three pieces, so each piece is the approximate width of the nail on which you wish to apply it.
5. Using tweezers, drop the snake pieces into a small bowl of water.
6. Take the pieces out of the water with tweezers, and apply to each nail as desired. Position the pieces so when your fingers are side by side, you can see a complete snake.
7. Once you're satisfied with the placement of the pieces, secure the design with a gel top coat.
8. Cure nails under the LED lamp.
9. Outline the snake with white gel polish applied with a long liner brush.
10. Add details as desired, such as a tongue, and allow to cure under the lamp.
11. Apply an additional layer of gel top coat.
12. Use tweezers to pick up and place two small rhinestones on the snake's head. Position them so that they look like the snake’s eyes.
13. Cure under the gel lamp once more.