Who says snake skin has to be brown and boring? Featuring a sleek green gel and gold accents, this shiny magnet manicure that features scales will strike up conversations wherever you go.
As a bonus, this style is completely customizable. Create a gold-rimmed scale pattern on just one nail or apply the effect to every finger for a look that's as bold as the biggest, baddest python. Try it the next time you want to intimidate the competition or just make an impression.
- Sofiglaze in "Deep Black"
- T-Tiao Club Bright Green Cat Eye Gel
- Kupa Gel Top non-wipe top coat
- The Gel Bottle Inc. clear rubber top coat
- Presto gold gel in 155
- Long liner brush
- Cat eye magnet board
- Gold transfer foil
- Akzentz gel lamp
- Sofiglaze in "Deep Black"
- T-Tiao Club Bright Green Cat Eye Gel
- Kupa Gel Top non-wipe top coat
- The Gel Bottle Inc. clear rubber top coat
- Presto gold gel in 155
- Long liner brush
- Cat eye magnet board
- Gold transfer foil
- Akzentz gel lamp

Fierce League
1. Start with dry nails pained with Sofiglaze in "Deep Black."
2. Apply a coat of T-Tiao Club Bright Green Cat Eye Gel.
3. Hold the Cat eye magnet board over your nail.
4. Insert your hand into the Akzentz gel lamp to harden the polish.
5. Apply a layer of Kupa Gel Top non-wipe top coat.
6. Insert your hand into the Akzentz gel lamp to harden the polish.
7. Starting at the nail bed, apply horizontal stripes of Presto gold gel in 155, using a long liner brush. Connect the stripes on the outer edges of the nail with arcs, creating scales.
8. Insert your hand into the Akzentz gel lamp to harden the polish.
9. Press gold transfer foil over the surface of your nail, and remove the foil gently.
10. Dip the long liner brush into The Gel Bottle Inc. clear rubber top coat, applying the top coat to the center of each scale.
11. Insert your hand into the Akzentz gel lamp to cure the polish.