Color-blocking has been trending for a couple of years now. However, as of 2019, designers are upping the saturation to create looks with bold, eye-catching shades. In particular, this design aesthetic is taking over the world of nail art, inspiring professional and amateur manicurists alike to experiment with different colors and patterns.
Are you looking for a fun way to add some style to your nail art? Check out these tips for achieving a chic but cheerful color-block manicure in the comfort of your own home.
-Cheri Non-Wipe Gel Topcoat
-FairyGlo neon pink gel in 6717
-Elite99 peach pink gel in N15
-Venalisa orange gel in 1570
-Canni Nail Art Output in 561 and 617
-Flat brush
-Small scissors
-Line tape
-Lumcrissy gel lamp (not shown)
-Cheri Non-Wipe Gel Topcoat
-FairyGlo neon pink gel in 6717
-Elite99 peach pink gel in N15
-Venalisa orange gel in 1570
-Canni Nail Art Output in 561 and 617
-Flat brush
-Small scissors
-Line tape
-Lumcrissy gel lamp (not shown)
Fierce League
1. Cover your nails with a coat of FairyGlo neon pink gel in 6717.
2. Insert your nails into the Lumcrissy gel lamp to dry.
3. Apply a strip of line tape at an angle, bisecting the nail about a third of the way down.
4. Paint the nail section above the tape using Elite99 peach pink gel in N15. Then remove the tape using your tweezers.
5. Insert your nails into the Lumcrissy gel lamp to dry.
6. Apply two parallel strips of line tape at an angle, going in the opposite direction to the first strip. The strips should hit the nail at 1/3 and 2/3 of the way down, respectively.
7. Paint the area between the strips using Venalisa orange gel in 1570. Then remove both strips of tape.
8. Insert your nails into the Lumcrissy gel lamp to dry.
9. Apply a strip of tape running at an angle from the top of the nail to the bottom on the left side.
10. Paint the area to the left of the tape using Canni Nail Art Output in 561. Then remove the tape.
11. Insert your nails into the Lumcrissy gel lamp to dry.
12. Apply a tape strip running at an angle from the top of the nail to the bottom on the right side.
13. Paint the area to the right of the tape using Canni Nail Art Output in 617. Then remove the tape.
14. Insert your nails into the Lumcrissy gel lamp to dry.
15. Cover the nails with Cheri Non-Wipe Gel Topcoat.
16. Insert your nails into the Lumcrissy gel lamp to dry.