Finally! -- a way to style the famous, retro pompadour hairstyle in a messy, chic way without feeling incredibly like Miley Cyrus 2012 (unless, of course, you want to). The pompadour complemented by a messy bun will give you serious Meghan Markle and Madonna vibes, known for their I-woke-up-like-this, effortless hair.
This look may take plenty of teasing, but it won't take hours out of your day. It's designed to be unkempt yet stylish -- and is especially helpful for those who want to avoid the perfectly sleeked-back look in exchange for an edgy flare. If this sounds like your style or if you want to vamp up your flat mane, then look no further.
- Large hairpins
- Pony tail holder
- Hairspray
- Teasing comb
- Large hairpins
- Pony tail holder
- Hairspray
- Teasing comb

Fierce League
1. Run your fingers through the top of your hair and section off just the root/fringe area. If you want your face to appear wider, make the section larger. However, if you want your face to look slimmer, take a smaller section.
1. Run your fingers through the top of your hair and section off just the root/fringe area. If you want your face to appear wider, make the section larger. However, if you want your face to look slimmer, take a smaller section.
2. Section the hair you've just separated into two parts, front and back, and tease the back section at the base to build volume. Continue doing this by creating new sections that are each about an inch wide and tease all the way to the front of your hair. Remember, teasing should be short, quick spurts of brushing backward at the root. Once you reach the front, you should be left with a large, Elvis-style quiff.
3. Spray the entire back-combed hair with hairspray, making sure the teased hair is firmly held.
4. Once you're happy with the volume you created, smooth back the teased hair and pinch it together at the back. Grab some pins and secure the pompadour into place, crosshatching the pins in different directions. We recommend using just two large hairpins, but you may need to use more, depending on your hair type.
5. To cover the pins, take two sections of loose hair from either side of your face and bring them toward your crown. Cross the two sections over the secured pins. While holding the crossed sections in place, grab the rest of your hair with your free hand, pulling all of your loose hair into a high ponytail.
6. Begin to tie the hair into a ponytail using a ponytail holder. On the last pull-through, stop just at the ends of your hair so you're left with a topknot. Shake your head to give your hair some movement, allowing any loose strands to come free. Pull any pieces out if you feel it isn't messy enough.
7. Take the end piece of the knot and wrap it around the rest of your hair to create a bun shape. Push the back of your bun forward to ensure you can see it from the front. Take a hairpin and secure the end piece of the bun down. Using another pin, secure the opposite side of the bun down also.
8. Shake your hair again to see if the bun is still loose. If so, add more pins to secure it. If you think your bun looks too smooth after securing it down, pull out some extra loose strands and tuck them into different areas of the bun.