How to do your own dog face decal nails

Dogs are considered "man's best friend" for a reason. They're loyal, happy and always there when you need them. Yet if you're not fortunate enough to have a pup to call your own, the you might be missing out on the joy a dog can bring to your life. There are a few ways to change that, and here's one way that's small enough to remain your little secret.
Instead of spending all day watching countless silly dog videos on the internet, you can just look down at your hands and see dogs smile on your nails! It may not be the biggest way to incorporate more dogs into your life, but it is a simpler and more cost-effective way. And at least this way won't get you in trouble at work for looking at pictures of dogs too much on your phone.
- White gel polish
- A set of dog face waterslide decals
- Heart-shaped decal stickers
- A small dish of water
- Nail tweezers
- Gel top coat
Fierce League
1. Start with a base of white gel polish. Apply two coats.
2. Choose a dog face to go on each nail and cut the faces off the decal sheet. Doing one decal and nail at a time, remove the plastic film from the decal and soak in water for a few seconds. Make sure the decal is completely submerged and wet.
3. Using the nail tweezers, remove the decal from the water dish and gently peel the dog face off the white backing paper. Place the dog face onto the nail of your choosing and carefully set into place with the tweezers.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for each nail.
5. Once all the decals have settled into place on the nail, apply the top coat layer.
6. Before the top coat fully dries, use the nail tweezers to set the heart stickers above and below the dog faces. Doing this before the top coat dries allows you to easily move the sticker around before it's fixed into place.