7 easy ways to apply eyeliner for beginners

Eyeliner one of the few tools in most makeup kits that people have a love/hate relationship with. You love the look, but hate those days when a crisp line just isn't happening.
There are lots of gadgets on the market to help you apply your eye liner, but most of us already have something similar in our makeup drawers. Once again, practice makes perfect, but some of these tips will up your skills in just one go.
1. Pick pencil
If you're new to using eyeliner, you may feel overwhelmed by the choices. Pencil versions are a good choice for beginners because they're more forgiving. Over time, work up to gels and liquids.
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2. Use a template
If you don't have a steady hand, take heart. You can create a beautiful wing just by using a piece of surgical tape or makeup tape. Apply it to your skin at an angle right where you want your wing. Bonus: extra liner ends up on the tape and is simply peeled away.
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3. Try the dash approach
Even professionals struggle with lining eyes in one smooth stroke. By making dashes along the lash line, you can go back in and then connect them.
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4. Fill in gaps with dark eyeshadow
If your liner doesn't look completely straight, or if it's thicker in some spots than others, just go back over it with a matching eyeshadow. It will set the liner and fill in the gaps.
5. Try tightlining instead
If you have hooded eyes or minimal lid space, tightline your eyes with a small brush or pencil eyeliner instead.
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6. Switch up your lower waterline color
If black looks harsh or too heavy, try using a nude or colored pencil on the lower waterline.
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7. Double up the drama
Need a little more pizzazz? Try adding a shimmery liner just above your eyeliner like this beautiful bright blue version below.
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