I'm sure plenty of people were blessed with perfect cheekbones, a straight nose, and an elegant jaw. Unfortunately, lots of us weren't, but that's where contouring comes in.
Add a shadow where you want the light to recede, and pop some highlighter on areas you want to advance. And if your hands are a little unsteady, or you need a little extra help, these hacks will make life (and makeup) a bit easier.
1. Figure out your shape
There are so many different ways to contour that we sometimes forget to take our own unique face shapes into consideration. If you're a heart, contouring like a square doesn't make sense. Map your face first, and you'll know exactly where to contour.
There are so many different ways to contour that we sometimes forget to take our own unique face shapes into consideration. If you're a heart, contouring like a square doesn't make sense. Map your face first, and you'll know exactly where to contour.
2. Keep a fork in your makeup drawer
It sounds silly, but a fork makes a perfect template for nose contouring. Getting three straight lines is pretty hard, but the tines on a fork make quick work of this nerve-wracking task.
It sounds silly, but a fork makes a perfect template for nose contouring. Getting three straight lines is pretty hard, but the tines on a fork make quick work of this nerve-wracking task.
3. Create the nose you want
While the previous tip is helpful for some, every nose is different. You can create the illusion of a straighter, slimmer, wider, shorter, or even longer nose just by applying your darker shade appropriately.
While the previous tip is helpful for some, every nose is different. You can create the illusion of a straighter, slimmer, wider, shorter, or even longer nose just by applying your darker shade appropriately.
4. The "e" "c" alphabet trick
Want a really quick way to contour that's easy to remember? Try the "e" "c" method. Just draw the letter "e" on your face with your dark contour shade, beginning at the temple and concluding on your jaw line. Then add the letter "c" in a lighter shade next to the top part of the "e." Blend and go.
Want a really quick way to contour that's easy to remember? Try the "e" "c" method. Just draw the letter "e" on your face with your dark contour shade, beginning at the temple and concluding on your jaw line. Then add the letter "c" in a lighter shade next to the top part of the "e." Blend and go.
5. Shrink your forehead
If you've been blessed with a high forehead but don't entirely love it, contouring can help. Simply apply your darker contour color near the hairline and extend it toward the temples on both sides. Blend carefully, and you're good to go.
If you've been blessed with a high forehead but don't entirely love it, contouring can help. Simply apply your darker contour color near the hairline and extend it toward the temples on both sides. Blend carefully, and you're good to go.
6. Get the right angle
If you're having trouble contouring, you may want to rethink your brush. An angled brush makes application easier and blending seamless. Look for one that's soft but has some density to it.
If you're having trouble contouring, you may want to rethink your brush. An angled brush makes application easier and blending seamless. Look for one that's soft but has some density to it.
7. Try a more rounded shape
Most contouring videos and still images show the deeper shade under the cheekbone as a straight line. If you're looking to create the illusion of a more rounded cheek (think apple), curve your contour upward as you get closer to your nose. The result is subtle but less angular.
Most contouring videos and still images show the deeper shade under the cheekbone as a straight line. If you're looking to create the illusion of a more rounded cheek (think apple), curve your contour upward as you get closer to your nose. The result is subtle but less angular.