Let's face it: There's a good chance you have a bunch of old or broken lipsticks hiding in your makeup drawer. Even if your lipsticks are in tip-top shape, you might be tired of using the same colors day in and day out.
Before you head out to the beauty store, though, you should consider making "brand-new" lipstick at home using two colors you already have. Not only will you save yourself money, but you'll create a unique shade no one else has!
- 2 or more old/broken lipsticks
- One small butter knife or spreader
- One metal spoon
- One small makeup jar, 5 oz. or smaller
- Lighter
- Lipstick applicator or brush
- 2 or more old/broken lipsticks
- One small butter knife or spreader
- One metal spoon
- One small makeup jar, 5 oz. or smaller
- Lighter
- Lipstick applicator or brush

Fierce League
1. Break off each lipstick with a small butter knife, scooping the pieces onto your metal spoon. Mash the broken lipsticks to flatten them out as much as possible. Then, use a lighter underneath the spoon to heat the lipstick for a few seconds until completely melted.
1. Break off each lipstick with a small butter knife, scooping the pieces onto your metal spoon. Mash the broken lipsticks to flatten them out as much as possible. Then, use a lighter underneath the spoon to heat the lipstick for a few seconds until completely melted.
2. Gently mix together the melted lipstick with your small knife to ensure that both colors are completely blended. Next, pour out the mixture from the spoon into a small makeup jar. Feel free to scrape off any remaining lipstick with your butter knife. Seal the jar tightly with the lid.
3. After several minutes, unscrew the lid of the jar and gently touch your new lipstick shade with your fingertips to make sure the mixture is cooled down and solidified. If so, you're ready to apply your new lipstick shade. Take your lipstick brush or applicator and coat your lips evenly with the new color. Be sure to seal the makeup jar when you're done.
Now you're ready to use your unique lipstick color any time you choose. You may even consider giving the new shade its own name!