How to stain lips with Kool-Aid

Remember being a kid and having perpetually stained lips every summer from drinking way too much Kool-Aid? It's possible to re-create that look but with a bit more "grown-up" style and without having to drink several glasses of Kool-Aid to get the right color.
Anyone looking for a cute, DIY alternative to lip gloss can make their own with the simple combination of Kool-Aid, water and coconut oil. It's a quick process that results in an affordable lip stain that also doesn't taste too bad.
- 1 spoonful of Kool-Aid powder (any color)
- Small bowl
- Spoon
- 4 to 5 spoonfuls of water
- 1/2 tablespoon of coconut oil
- Lip gloss wand
- Paper towel
1. Combine Kool-Aid powder, water and coconut oil in the bowl and mix until the texture is consistent.
2. Carefully line and entirely fill lips with the help of a lip gloss wand.
3. While waiting for the stain to set, avoid licking off the mixture, no matter how good it might taste.
4. Dab lips with a paper towel to remove any excess stain.
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