These are the tips you need to obtain perfectly sculpted cheekbones

For some reason, most women have difficulty when it comes to applying cheek color. We all know we need to bring life back to our face after applying foundation, but blush and bronzer can still trip us up.
To sculpt your cheeks and avoid looking cartoonish, you need to follow a few basic steps. Products with strong pigmentation are especially prone to looking obvious, so check out these quick videos to make the most of your cheeks without looking overdone.
1. Avoid blotchy cheek makeup
Have you ever applied blush and had it separate or mar the finish of your foundation? Chances are you've made a very common but avoidable mistake by using a combination of liquid and powder products in the wrong order. Blotchy cheeks can be easily avoided by following the technique in the video below.
2. Always use a light hand
There's a huge difference between theatrical makeup and everyday makeup – namely intensity. If you've ever overapplied bronzer or blush, you may have blamed it on the product. That may have been true, but even super-pigmented blush can look natural if you follow the simple tricks found in this video.
3. Find your face shape
Sculpting your cheekbones is a lot easier if you know what shape your face really is. To properly locate your blush, take a few minutes to "map" your face. This helpful video will teach you a technique to make the process very simple, and you'll finally know if you're an oval, a square or a heart.
4. Apply a moisturizer
This one sounds obvious, but many people apply makeup without properly hydrating their skin. The result? A combination of blotches and uneven patches. When your skin is dry, it can grab liquid makeup in really weird ways. This video explains the importance of not skipping this integral step.
5. Blend properly
Before you head out the door, there's one final step to achieving realistically sculpted cheekbones: blending. To look your seamless best, you need to eliminate any strong lines or harsh edges. Watch the following video to see how to bring bronzer and blush together in a natural way.